Black Baby Hair Care Tips for New Moms
posted 2018 Jun by

You know how to care for your own natural hair, but your baby's scalp is much more sensitive than your own. Here are some black baby hair care tips for new moms that'll help keep your baby's hair clean and growing healthy!
As a new mom, your baby is your pride and joy. But you need to keep her hair well cared for and that can be a challenge. Your baby's hair texture will probably change over the next few years, but if you have a great routine it will stay healthy and beautiful for the rest of her life.Washing
You don't have to wash your baby's hair often, once a week should be enough. If you like to bathe your bundle of joy every day, just wipe down their hair with a wet washcloth and stay away from the soap. Textured hair needs all the moisture it can get. If you put too many soapy products on your baby's hair, it can cause it to dry out and get damaged.Moisturizing
After you wash your baby's hair, you need to make sure it retains the moisture to avoid breaking. There are a lot of products out there that can care for textured hair, but at this stage in your child's life, you need to use natural products. Virgin coconut oil or olive oil massaged into her hair and scalp could do wonders, but if you find you want a little something more to protect the texture, check out some of these products: Shampoo, Leave-in Conditioner / Daily Moisturizer, Moisturizing Hair Mist.
Combing and Detangling
Beautiful textured hair is kinky and it tangles easily. You can comb out the tangles to prevent breakage. While you do this, only use a wide-tooth comb or soft bristle brush. Don't try to comb it out while it's dry, and a tiny amount of oil or cream moisturizer can help to detangle without tears.
When you leave a baby's hair loose and natural, you give it a chance to grow longer and stronger. At the early stages of your child's life, avoid putting in heavy clips or decorations. They are a choking hazard for one thing, and they can also cause the delicate hair to break. However, as they get older, try out different tyles depending on how long your baby's hair is. When you style their hair, use smooth bands or covered elastic bands. Rubber bands will cause friction on the hair and leave it badly damaged. Also, avoid styles that pull on your child's hair too tightly, because that can cause it to fall out.